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Advice regarding losses following defective reports following property purchase.
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Advice regarding losses following defective reports following property purchase.
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Posted 14 September 2021
Category: Strata, Urban Renewal
There are numerous ways to terminate a strata scheme such as approaching the Registrar-General or forcing a sale pursuant to the strata renewal process, but how do you achieve this if the required consent is not provided by all relevant parties?
If unanimous support is not provided by all lot owners and there are competing interests, a party may approach the Supreme Court to have a strata scheme terminated pursuant to section 136 of the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 (“SSDA”), which is known as a “termination order”. Part 9, Division 3 of the SSDA deals with the relevant provisions surrounding such termination.
Pursuant to section 135 of the SSDA, an owner of a lot in the scheme, mortgagee, chargee or the owners corporation may apply to the Supreme Court for a termination order for a strata scheme, where notice of the application must be served in accordance with the rules of the Court on:
As outlined in section 136(2), a termination order may include directions about any of the following matters (where all of these matters must be covered in the order sought by the applicant):
The Court will consider in any application for termination whether the interests of anyone affected by the scheme may be prejudiced if it is terminated and whether the relevant strata plan will be able to discharge its obligations to creditors if the scheme is terminated. The case of Pritpro Pty Ltd v Willoughby Municipal Council (18 March 1986, unreported) held that the function of the Court is to ensure that no one is prejudiced by the termination of the scheme and that there is a need to protect creditors, actual and contingent, who may have charges on the building as against the body corporate.
A termination order takes effect on the day specified in the order. Section 138 outlines the effect of the order, being:
to the extent the recorded estate or interest was capable of affecting a former lot, and
Pursuant to section 146, once the strata scheme is terminated:
On termination of the strata scheme, the transaction may potentially be liable for stamp duty as the common property will vest in the lot owners.
Ordinarily, the Court will appoint a qualified and disinterested person to carry out the winding up and this will not be dispensed with simply because it is asserted that the body corporate has no assets or liabilities.
In Borsky v Proprietors Strata Plan No 19833 & Ors (1986) 7 NSWLR 84, McLelland J said:
“Nevertheless, it seems to me that ordinarily the Court should appoint some appropriately qualified and disinterested person, such as a registered liquidator, to carry out the winding-up of the body corporate.
The proposed appointee would, of course, have to consent to the appointment. I see no sufficient reason not to take this course in the present case. This view having been foreshadowed during the course of argument, the plaintiff has procured an appropriate consent from a liquidator registered under the Companies (New South Wales) Code.”
However, in special circumstances the Court may appoint a non-qualified person (even the applicant) to carry out the winding up. This occurred in Re Application of Custom Credit Corporation Ltd (1975) 2 BPR 9108 where Wootten J cited the special circumstances as:
We have expertise in this area of law and can provide advice in relation to your queries which includes providing advice in relation to what evidence is required to terminate a strata scheme by way of Supreme Court order.
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