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A bespoke up-to-date strata management agency agreement template and proposal, tailored for your firm!
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A bespoke up-to-date BMC agency agreement template and proposal, tailored for your firm!
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A bespoke contract to enable service charges direct to owners who want that special service that the committee does not wish to pay for.
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A bespoke up-to-date community, precinct and neighbourhood agency agreement template and proposal, tailored for your firm!
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Contract between a strata manager and a developer for pre-registration services.
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A bespoke up-to-date building management agency agreement template and proposal, tailored for your firm.
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A tailored by-law for your renovation works.
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An agreement from the owners corporation to owners or occupants to supply amenities, such as, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, telecommunication services, window cleaning, garbage disposal and recycling services.
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We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Legal advice to inform you of the measures to take to properly balance the contract and make it legally compliant.
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Advice on the impact of the insurance and terms of the deed of release.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Advice regarding losses following defective reports following property purchase.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Advice regarding losses following defective reports following property purchase.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Advice regarding losses following defective reports following property purchase.
We collect your personal information for the purpose of delivering our services. By providing this information, you confirm that you have read and consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
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Posted 23 October 2017
Category: Strata
Owners corporations, strata committees, lot owners, tenants and many other people rely heavily on the information and services provided by strata managers to make informed decisions in the management of their schemes.
There are many relationships to manage in strata schemes, together with different interests each of these people may have. Often these relationships and interests are in conflict and being able to identify and properly deal with these can be challenging.
Ethics or ethical behaviour is defined in many ways. The SCA Code of Ethics defines ethical behaviour as ‘in accordance with the moral standards customarily applied in a business or professional relationship’.
A lot of the written materials, rules and the like focus on the behaviour of business persons, such as:
There are a number of materials and cases affecting owners and business persons, such as:
The Office of Fair Trading handles complaints made by people against licensees or certificate of registration holders for a variety of reasons, such as, for breaches of the Act and Regulation or breaching a licence or certificate condition.
If the Director-General is satisfied that there are grounds for taking disciplinary action, the Office of Fair Trading has a number of options available. These include cautions or reprimands, issuing a directive, undertakings, issuing penalty notices, imposing licence conditions, licence suspension or cancellation and disqualification.
The members of the strata committee of an owners corporation owe obligations to the owners corporation which may exceed their expectations, suggesting that considerable care should be exercised in accepting their appointment as a strata committee member and performing their functions once appointed.
The Corporations Act 2001, which imposes fiduciary and other duties on company directors, does not apply to owners corporations.
Under Section 37 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, each member of a strata committee of an owners corporation has a duty “to carry out his or her functions for the benefit, so far as practicable, of the owners corporation and with due care and diligence”, but subject to Section 260, which provides protection from personal liability for members of strata committees who act in good faith.
The main ethical dilemmas faced are those of:
Many ethical complaints are made about performance issues, but most of these are not about ethical issues.
The following ethical issues are likely in the coming months and years:
What to do?
Ethical issues are often difficult to determine and traverse many grey areas. If faced with a conflict of interest or if you have an ethical concern, you should seek advice from the professional body of which you are a member, SCA or the Office of Fair Trading.
***The information contained in this article is general information only and not legal advice. The currency, accuracy and completeness of this article (and its contents) should be checked by obtaining independent legal advice before you take any action or otherwise rely upon its contents in any way.