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Neighbours come in all shapes and sizes and so do your common boundary disputes

Strata, NCAT and Court Proceedings

Posted 17 May 2017

All properties have boundaries and inevitably, at some time or another you may be faced with a dispute arising over your boundary line or the structures contained thereon. …

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Trees Causing Damage – What can you do?


Posted 10 May 2017

It is not uncommon for owners corporations to have to deal with damage caused by a tree, being their own, or a neighbours tree. This can include damage to: Common property; Lot property; Retainin…

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What do we need to tell our Insurer?… (and what happens if we don’t)

Building Defects, Strata Insurance

Posted 21 April 2017

All insurance contracts have a duty of disclosure whereby the insured party must tell the insurer all relevant information before entering in to the policy and also during the course of the policy per…

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What are some of the sorts of By-Laws owners are adopting during the By-Law Review?

Strata, By-Laws

Posted 07 April 2017

While owners corporations are undertaking a review of their by-laws as required under the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, owners corporations may wish to consider adopting additional by-laws that …

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Top Ten Tips for New Strata Schemes


Posted 15 March 2017

Purchasers of lots in a new strata plan find themselves members of a new owners corporation, which has a lot of work to do during the lead up to its first annual general meeting. That meeting must tak…

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Deadline 21 March 2017 – Closing date for submissions on the draft Australian Standard for Defects in group title buildings

Building Defects

Posted 14 March 2017

Further to recent implementation of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 a new Australian Standard for defect report reports for group title buildings has been developed and public consultation is o…

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Agency Agreements Expiry Deadline – 29 May 2017

Strata, Management Agreements

Posted 13 March 2017

Many agency agreements are due to expire on 29 May 2017 due to the operation of Section 50(1) and clause 14(1) of Schedule 3 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.…

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Loose Fill Asbestos Hazard Important Update for Strata and Home Owners 2017


Posted 09 March 2017

31 March 2017 Deadline to confirm registration 31 July 2017 Deadline to opt into Voluntary Purchase and Demolition Scheme if Loose Fill Asbestos Identified…

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