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What Lot Owners should know about retention of records

Meetings and Records

Posted 24 June 2017

Owners corporations and their strata committees may find almost overwhelming questions like “what records do I need to keep”, “how should I keep them” and “how long do I need to keep them”…

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Aluminium Cladding – Dealing with NSW Fair Trading’s Proposed Legal Reform

Strata, Building Defects

Posted 20 June 2017

In the wake of the devastation of the London Fire, NSW Fair Trading is finally taking action concerning non-compliant aluminium cladding. Such action will include legal reform to give effect to:…

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Aluminium Cladding – Real and Significant Risks and Problems. What is NWS Fair Trading doing?

Strata, Building Defects

Posted 16 June 2017

Following the devastating fire that destroyed the Grenfell Tower in London this week, the topic of aluminium cladding has risen across the globe. Unfortunately, the London Fire is not the first of …

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How do you get Approval for AirBNB in your unit?


Posted 13 June 2017

There has been a lot of contention over Airbnb and similar type letting arrangements within Strata Schemes. The recent Parliamentary Inquiry into the Adequacy of Regulation for Short Term Holiday Let…

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What can Owner’s Corporation do to regulate or prohibit AirBNB?

Strata, eBooks

Posted 13 June 2017

On 19 April 2017, the NSW Government supported the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Adequacy of Regulation for Short Term Holiday Letting handed down in October 2016 which rejected calls to allow owners…

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The Deadline is Looming – Have you reviewed your By-Laws?

Strata, By-Laws

Posted 08 June 2017

Owners corporations that existed at 30 November 2016 are required to conduct a review of their by-laws before 30 November 2017.…

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Why you should get Legal Advice on MBA Standard Form Contracts

Strata, Renovations

Posted 06 June 2017

Owners of apartments within strata schemes often want to add to or alter their lot property. This invariably involves entering into construction contracts with builders, architects, other contractors …

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Don’t Delay the implementation of the 2% defects bond scheme under part 11 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015

Building Defects

Posted 29 May 2017

In response to well founded rumours that the 2% bond scheme is going to be further delayed we have written the following letter to the Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, Matthew Kean.…

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