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Category: Renovations

Owners Corporations Withholding Consent to the Lodgement of Development Applications

Strata, Renovations, Urban Renewal

Posted 03 February 2021

In order to obtain development consent conditions from a development application the Local Council needs the consent of the owner of the land. If an owners application involves the common property …

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What do I own and what is Common Property?

Strata, Renovations, eBooks

Posted 12 August 2020

The important question of who owns what needs to be established, as the answer will dictate how a strata scheme is correctly managed and who is responsible for what parts of a strata scheme.…

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An Owner’s Short Guide to Standard Form Residential Building Contracts

Strata, Renovations

Posted 11 April 2018

A sample survey carried out by the Law Department of Melbourne University in 2014 found that the only sector of the construction industry where there was virtually no substantive incidence of amendmen…

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Pre 1974 Schemes and the Centre Line Rule

Strata, Renovations

Posted 24 October 2017

For owners corporations with a strata plan registered prior to 1 July 1974, things work a bit differently than for other schemes. There are important differences regarding what is common property and …

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Do you need the Owners Corporations consent to your DA?

Strata, Renovations

Posted 21 September 2017

The case of Owners Strata Plan No. 50411 & Ors v Cameron North Sydney Investments Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA 5 (Cameron’s case) considered not only the question of when an owners corporation’s consent i…

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Is consent required for the installation of Timber Floors?

Strata, Renovations, eBooks

Posted 18 September 2017

Did you know that lot owners may be permitted to install floating timber floors in their lot without any approval from the owners corporation?…

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Reasonable grounds to be unreasonable? Questions that arise when Owners Corporations refuse to allows works

Strata, Renovations

Posted 26 July 2017

When can an owner corporation refuse requests by owners wanting to perform works or have exclusive use of common property? As strata schemes age, it is a common occurrence for lot owners to wish to…

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Why you should get Legal Advice on MBA Standard Form Contracts

Strata, Renovations

Posted 06 June 2017

Owners of apartments within strata schemes often want to add to or alter their lot property. This invariably involves entering into construction contracts with builders, architects, other contractors …

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